The Basics of Veterans Benefits Law


State Bar of Texas – Webcast CLE

By Bob Goss, J.D., LL.M. – Health Law, & LL.M. – Intellectual Property & Information Law

August 24, 2010


The State Bar of Texas presented “The Basics of Veterans Benefits Law” through a live studio webcast, which also produced a DVD to enable attorneys to understand how to help veterans with their veteran’s benefits.

The CLE program was 3 hours and covered the basics from initial attorney accreditation, handling cases at a VA Regional Office (presented by Jill Mitchell), handling appeals at the Board of Veterans Affairs (presented by Bob Goss), and filing appeals with the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims and the U.S. Federal Circuit (presented by Ken Carpenter).

Mr. Goss lectured on the basics of appeals at the Board of Veterans Affairs. See here. The information presented began with the appeal through a VA9, and request for a DRO hearing to winning the claim or handling a Remand. The requirements and timelines were explained for the BVA appeals. Procedures and how-to advice was also provided.

To participate in this CLE until July 31, 2011 or buy the DVD for a reference click here

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