Life as a Pilot

Sam Houston Area Council – Boy Scouts of America
By Bob Goss, J.D., LL.M.
April 7, 2010

Boy Scout Pack 834, Cypress, Texas, held their monthly meeting discussing flying and aviation. Mr. Goss was their speaker for the evening. The Pack leader introduced the Scouts to Air Traffic Control recordings of communications between aircraft and ATC Controllers. Mr. Goss then presented life as a pilot to the Scouts.

As a USAF Command Pilot and Airline Transportation Pilot, Mr. Goss presented the Scouts with his perspective of what it is like to be a pilot. Videos incorporated into the discussion presented the pilots perspective and view of flying “looking through the cockpit window.” The videos included T-38 Flying from formation takeoffs through acrobatics and landing.

A second video showed what it is like to land on a Carrier, with the Boy Scouts favorite video being the third video showing weapons releases and the resulting explosions. The Scouts were well prepared and asked many questions. . A special thank you to the Scouts, parents, Lynn Correa, and the Pack Leader Gene Manuel for their time and interest.

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