Your VA Claim – Help is on the Way
Military Officers Association of America, Houston Chapter
By Bob Goss, J.D., LL.M.
February 28, 2009
This presentation was tailored for the MOAA, Houston Chapter, presenting members with information regarding the change in the law allowing veterans to now hire an attorney after they have filed a Notice of Disagreement with your VA decisions.
Presentation by Col. Jim Causey, MOAA, Houston President to Mr. Bob Goss
The historical prohibitions dating back to the Civil War and the gradual changes in the law regarding legal representation during the VA disability process were discussed.
The Veterans Judicial Review Act passed in 1988, and the Veterans Claim Assistance Act passed in 2000, were discussed. Then the Veterans Benefit & Health Care & Information Technology Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-461) was explained in detail.
Pub. 109-461, The Veterans Benefits & Health Care & Information Technology Act of 2006, allows VA claimants to hire and pay an attorney to represent them before the VA prior to a final Board of Veterans’ Appeal if:
- the regional office has denied the claim;
- the claimant has filed a notice of disagreement (“NOD”);
- the NOD was filed on or after June 23, 2007; and
- The representation for which the claimant is paying is on the claim(s) that were subject to the NOD.
Additional areas discussed were what lawyers can do for a veteran, VA benefits available to a veteran, service-connected disabilities, types of BVA hearing, an explanation of the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, mistakes that veterans make with their VA claims, how the Law Office Of Robert B. Goss handles a veteran’s claim.
The presentation was well attended and Mr. Goss was grateful for the expert assistance by Dr. Lillian McEnery.